Saturday, March 7, 2009

Friends: Social Maturity in College

I apologize for my last post which probably bored the hell out of most of you.

I've always considered myself a friendly person, and I've never had trouble making friends. When I first moved to Nisky in first grade, I went home with about 3 people in mind who could be potential friends. I was excited about going to college because I thought that people would be more socially mature.

. . . Wroooong.

Making friends in college is emotionally exhausting. I try to reach out to people and put myself out there, trying to make plans and leaving them messages. Yet people always tend to flow together in cliques, where they have about 3 good friends, and therefore they don't feel the need to include anyone else.

I can't remember the last time someone actually asked me for my phone number/contact info. on their own accord for personal interest, like "Hey, maybe she'll go with me to the game Friday night." Unless we're assigned in groups for a class project and the teacher advises up to exchange info, people still seem reluctant. Some people have even said "Oh just go to my facebook, you'll find all my info there." I suck at finding people on facebook, and I suck at remembering names. If I don't even know your last name, I'm not gonna find you.

Too many people expect friends to float to them, and not enough people are willing to put themselves out there to make new friends, which, according to this logic, I should have a pretty wide circle. Buuut I don't. Because even when potential friends *do* float to people, they make no effort to help start a friendship. WHO NEEDS A JOB WHEN I HAVE ALL THIS "SOCIAL" WORK.

1 comment:

  1. I've only really made friends outside my dorm freshman year if I *really* clicked with them . . . there's basically only one other person I go out of my way to see. Everyone's hella busy here, which is part of the problem. I also think it's just hard to plan who you become friends with; people don't even like the idea of trying for friendship, they want it to be organic. Kinda sucks when you don't want to act contrived and falsely social, but do want to make friends.
